Trial ID # | NCT01778803 |
Phase | I |
Drug Class | Signaling Pathway Inhibitors: Integrins-FAK/FAK |
Drug Name | Defactinib |
Alternate Drug Names | VS-6063, PF-04554878 |
Drugs in Trial | Defactinib, Paclitaxel |
Eligible Participant | Recurrent ovarian cancer |
Patients Enrolled | 22 patients; median 3 prior therapies, 17 Pt-R |
Therapy Setting | Recurrence |
Study Design | Open-Label, Non-randomized |
Endpoints | ORR, DCR, evaluated per RECIST |
Efficacy | ORR: 18.2% (2CR, 2PR, n=22) |
Clinically Significant Adverse Events | Serious AE: |
Conclusion | Defactinib + weekly paclitaxel is well tolerated and showed promising activity |
Reference | Patel MR et al. Phase 1/1b study of the FAK inhibitor defactinib (VS-6063) in combination with weekly paclitaxel for advanced ovarian cancer. J Clin Oncol (2014) 32:5s (suppl; abstr 5521) |