Trial ID # | NCT00281632 |
Phase | II |
Drug Class | Angiogenesis Inhibitors: Multi-targeted RTK |
Drug Name | Pazopanib |
Alternate Drug Names | Votrient |
Drugs in Trial | Pazopanib |
Eligible Participant | Recurrent ovarian cancer (after CR to first-line platinum-based therapy) |
Patients Enrolled | 36; 27 Pt-S, 6 Pt-R, 3 Pt-Rf |
Therapy Setting | Recurrence |
Study Design | Non-randomized |
Endpoints | ORR, evaluated per RECIST or CA125 |
Efficacy | ORR: 17.6% (3PR, n=17, RECIST) |
Clinically Significant Adverse Events | Serious AE: none |
Conclusion | Promising activity of single agent pazopanib |
Reference | Friedlander M et al. A Phase II, open-label study evaluating pazopanib in patients with recurrent ovarian cancer. Gynecol Oncol (2010) 119(1):32 -7 |