Honor someone on her journey. Create a memorial to someone you’ve lost.

1. Share One Woman’s Journey

Support Clearity at the Partner Level ($1,000 or more) and let us honor her year round. (See tribute tiles below)

2. Give In Honor

Let her know you are thinking of her with a gift of any size to support Clearity as we support her.

A card will be sent to your honoree notifying them of your gift.

3. Give in Memory

Let her family know you care with a gift of any size. Every dollar helps to fund support for women facing ovarian cancer. Give to Clearity today.

A card will be sent to the family notifying them of your gift.

4. Direct others to support Clearity

Here is suggested memorial gift language in case you would like to direct gifts to The Clearity Foundation in a notice or obituary.

In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of _________ may be made in support to The Clearity Foundation. Mail to: The Clearity Foundation, 8880 Rio San Diego Drive, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92108-1642, or donate online at clearityfoundation.org/donate.

One Woman’s Journey Tribute Tiles